We are one of the 40 Multicultural Congregations of the Uniting Church in Australia.
We are a friendly congregation experiencing God’s joyful unconditional love and we worship and Sing Praises to God our Father, in our Tamil Language, with a range of traditional instruments and music that is enhanced by a small but an energetic choir.
We endeavor to follow Jesus, learn about God, share our faith, care for each other and seek to live faithfully. That we do with real joy and traditions that bind us together in fellowship.
We have Social Events throughout the year.
We have Family Church Camps where we meet together as families and friends, worship together, listen to our guest speakers and enjoy staying together.
It’s an exciting annual event where we have a Spiritual Retreat as well as a time of fun and games, to unwind from the pressures of life.
Worship Services are held on the first four Sundays of the month, at 5.00 pm.
Place of Worship
Malvern East Uniting Centre,
54 Serrell St,
Malvern East. Vic 3145